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February 27, 2006


Anna Winter

Oh My God It's Hideous.


It's a bit like a car crash that you can't look away from...awful.


Yuck. That is some truly frightening stuff - made all the more frightening by the fact that I can almost hear the male voices in question. eew...

I wonder how she feels about hosting such repulsive comments on her site? Flattered? I really hope not.


"Seriously, my dear male readers, aren't you sick of this rubbish?"
No, Kate, I think your male readers are too busy dealing with the genuine horror.
Hideous? Repellent? Now that's just an invitation to demonstrating the sickness and irretrievable decline of our society. Let's delve into the Internet Freak Files a little bit for something to trump the moderately freaky comments left.
[searches for a while]
Ah yes, here's one. All the way (thankfully) from the Iowa state prison comes Travis Frey...


Oh, and I should warn that readers should be prepared to leave adequate time between lunch and reading to deal with inevitable nausea.


Oh yes, our friend Travis has been all the rage on the the US feminist sites. Your warning is quite apt.

Here's the Twisty takedown:


Her friends seem to be jerks as well. Check out this from her blog:

“Men like to be in control all the time,” James puffed over the phone during a run on his treadmill. I had decided to call James, the most senior player in the game, (he is a master at manipulating girls into doing whatever he wants despite the fact that as a rule, he never texts back)."



I tell ya, if I were an alien and I came to earth and I ran into men and women like them I'd head back to my genderless space utopia where everyone just had a damn good time and stopped trying to mindfuck each other.


'“My boyfriend was with another girl when he was away,” she said quickly, taking a sip of her Starbucks caramel frappuccino.'
Death's too good for them all. I call for Valerie Solanas to be dug up from her grave, and set upon the Fairfax lifts with a pistol.


Back to your fine form, I see, Oh Andrea-Harris-of-the-Marxoid-Feminazi-Left.

Not sure what's funnier: the fact that people still take this pop-psych, "Guys are dawgs but we luv 'em anyway" bullshit seriously, or your apoplectic response. I swear my monitor was smoking from your textual frustration. *wipes sweat off brow*

As for Ms. Brett, I reckon Miranda Airy-Fairy's diary had more sense AND was more entertaining. OF COURSE men exploit women. There's no mystery whatsoever about what men want. The question is, and always has been, why do women let them get away with it?

"I tell ya, if I were an alien and I came to earth and I ran into men and women like them I'd head back to my genderless space utopia where everyone just had a damn good time and stopped trying to mindfuck each other."

Sheesh. You wanna ban mindfucking as well?!! What else are you gonna fuck after you've lost all the fun bits in this genderless "utopia" of yours? Marxoid-Millenarian-Utopianist Killjoy!


Oh silly Fyodor if we banned mindfucking what would you do with your time?

"The question is, and always has been, why do women let them get away with it?"

Indeed. One school of thought goes that in the good ole patriarchal order, there is exploitation and then there are worse forms of exploitation: and that women are so busy trying for the less worse forms of exploitation that we miss the aim of the game, which is to be not exploited at all.


"Oh silly Fyodor if we banned mindfucking what would you do with your time?"

Well, quite.

Mind-masturbation isn't half as fun as it sounds. Just ask Graeme Bird.


I would ask him but I'm afraid he might start frothing at the mouth and calling me a Stalinist.


"Start"? The man's a human firehose of bile.

Besides, you ARE a Stalinist, aren't you? As I recall, you have some serious apologising to do, young person of the feminine gender, for those awful holocaustic crimes you keep denying. Boo hiss.


Yes but so far he hasn't frothed in my direction, for which I am thankful.

Oh yeah -- sorry everyone about the gulags, the death camps, the long march, the cultural revolution, Pohl Pot, and the current Chinese regime!


ahhhh! I could barely read the article let alone the comments afterwards. you must have more tentacity than me. my head was ready to explode.

what a load of crappy bollocks. from just about every viewpoint.


btw - just bothered to look at this chick's website. now my head really IS going to explode!!!


i only think of middle finger. its rally a finger and its middle of 2 . if human have 5 .





I can't stand feminist. Theyre giving us women a bad name

Joe Grassley

Of course feminists hate men -- ALL men. Why do you think they support false rape accusers? If they were anything but bigots then they would support equal justice.

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