Nicole is a super-generous human being. This is the softie she made JW for his birthday -- it's a mini Jasperella the Uberhund. The big Jazzy isn't quite sure what to make of her little doppelganger, but JW and I think she's very cool.
(Nicole has in the course of our friendship made me a needle roll AND a pincushion AND some fridge magnets AND some quince jelly AND she bought me a skein of Debbie Bliss Cashmerino to make these.)
This is JW and he is wearing the navy and orange beanie I knitted for him. We like orange stuff here. One day I should take a photo of every orange thing in the house. You'd be impressed. Or not, I can't tell with you, oh internets. The hivemind is fickle.
Please also admire our lovely cream couch. I am not sure why two not-terribly-tidy adults with a brown dog were moved to purchase a cream couch, but it is very comfortable, even if I have to vacuum it twice a week to get the dog hair off -- and she's not even allowed to sit on it. While the dog is allowed inside the house, she is not allowed on couches or beds. Ever. Yes, I am a big meanie.
And here is the delicious chunk 'o' beef I cooked on the weekend:
Beef fillet, tied with string, gently poached in red wine with thyme and bay leaves and peppercorns, with lightly blanched beans and asparagus, and served with a dribble of EVOO and cooking juices. (Apologies to all the vegie readers for this gratuitous meat shot.)
I also baked JW a cake. Unfortunately, it came out looking like this:
So I poured a whole heap of ganache (dark chocolate melted with cream) over it until it looked like this:
As indicated by the example picture in my Women's Weekly Cooking Class Cakes cookbook, it's meant to be a Sacher Torte, but I have renamed it the 'cowpat cake'. (Apologies for the glary blurgh shots, I am in desperate need of a good polarising filter.) It has to be the ugliest cake I have ever made.
But then we ate it with cream and it was very delicious.
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