In the post about the naughty Nanna music Dogpossum sent me, Fyodor asks if the difference between 'hot' and 'cool' and 'va-va-voom' is entirely in my own head. I want to respond to this by saying: yes, and your point is?
More seriously, I was reaching towards a difference between 'I am hot because I am 17 and thin and blonde-haired and look like a model in my designer clothes' and 'I am hot because I enjoy sex and good food and music and many other pleasurable things'. Is there a difference? I think it's the difference between being considered sexually attractive, and enjoying sex. It's the difference between someone who people say is 'beautiful' and someone who people say is 'fun to be with'.
So there you go Fyodor. My thesis about va-va-voom vs hot. As for how cool fits into my taxonomy... erm, I haven't got that far yet, but I'll be sure to let you know.