When George struck Port Hedland on Thursday night, I wasn't too worried about JW.
He's in Karratha at the moment for work -- the two towns are about 240km apart, in case you were wondering -- and he's worked up there quite a bit over the past two years. I knew the cyclone was coming, but I was pretty confident that it would all blow over and be done with. Cyclones hit that part of the world all the time, and they have preparations in place, and it would all be good.
But after the tragic deaths of at least two people, one at a place where JW worked about a year ago, I was wrong.
JW was perfectly fine, of course, and he and his workmate spent Thursday night and yesterday in their motel room, eating nuts from the bar-fridge and waiting for the whole thing to be over so they could go and get some proper food.
They even had in-house movies and they watched The Departed, Blood Diamond and The Prestige, or so he reported to me last night. From a flash dinner put on by the company. So you know, life goes on in Karratha.
But now cyclone Jacob's on the way to the same part of the world. Intensifying as it comes to a category four, like George.
JW's company won't be flying him back -- there's no time, no flights, and chances are he'll just spend another few boring days twiddling his thumbs in his motel room and then he;ll get back to work. Chances are.
Rationally, I'm sure it's all going to be okay. But I'm a worrier, you know, so it's not like I'm able to put aside my nagging fears.
Christ, I worry about quotidian things like having enough milk for my coffee -- another cyclone? Of course I'm worried.
And not just about JW, but also about the people up there. I desperately hope there'll be no more fatalities, and that Jacob will just cause a bit of rain and wind and it'll be over soon.
Fingers crossed.
Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to bookmark the bureau of meteorology cyclone watch page so I can refresh it every 20 minutes.
Latest satellite image of cyclones Jacob and George.
Eek! Nail-biting news.
I'm sure things will be all right. But I'm thinking of you/him!
Posted by: ampersandduck | March 10, 2007 at 09:51 AM
Posted by: ampersandduck | March 10, 2007 at 09:52 AM
It sucks to be alone and safe, worrying yourself sick. Sucks less than actually being in the path of danger yourself, but still sucks.
I suggest you choose your own TV/DVD viewing carefully to counter the worries. I recommend something with men in frogged jackets.
Posted by: tigtog | March 10, 2007 at 05:23 PM
Oh yes I'm sure it's much worse for JW, actually being up there, with the alternate fear and boredom.
But he's putting on a brave face, which is more than I'd be doing if I were up there.
Posted by: Kate | March 10, 2007 at 05:35 PM
I hope room service has refreshed the peanut supplies. I also hope that the $10 per packet, or some such ridiculous figure is waived in the circumstances. I won't tell you not to worry, because I know it doesn't help. But I will be thinking of you worrying, if that helps.
Posted by: Mindy | March 10, 2007 at 06:14 PM
Thinking of you and JW, Kate. I hope that everyone up there stays safe.
Posted by: Cristy | March 11, 2007 at 06:39 AM